Han pasado 8408 días
21/3/02 21:09
Queda inaugurada la sección Iconokaos con esta producto, elaborado por nuestros artesanos perfumeros. Agua de marjal, aromas del Ribalta {sábado por la noche, muy entrada en materia} y un toque frutal marialidón.

Escrito por txema
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21/3/02 16:59
Spain, Valencian Community, Castellón---> Xilxes. We have come. I read in Castellón al Día (S.R writes it., I suppose that Sandra Romero) that a company of theatre was seen obliged to withdraw a republican flag to be able to represent a musical graduate “Benavites”, who took place last March 10 and on the occasion of the International Day of the Woman. It was the preestreno of the work and the organizers of the event, landladies' association of house, she asked the actors, who are not professional, that i had the detail of withdrawing so frightful symbol not to hurt susceptibilities. Already come, says my dear Sandra that the persons in charge of the event chose to eliminate the chunk of fabric " for his political load ". At this point (society of the information, bla, bla, bla ...) We continue with the same rattle, steps forward and behind. We were republican democrats and we are monarchic for circumstances foreign to our will, already the coins were saying that Franco was a “caudillo” for God's grace, and we continue), under any flag eing present at spectacles as this one. Xilxes, Castellón, Valencian Community---> Spain. 2002?
Escrito por txema
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